Sunday, October 16, 2011


Some GREAT news has come my way! For weeks now I have been waiting to hear a response from the Boys and Girls Club of Whittier. I applied to become a volunteer because I love children and would love to be a role model in their lives. While I was growing up I went to daycare and it was a great experience because it gave me the chance to interact with other children, learn valuable lessons, and have guidance. If I am chosen to become a volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club of Whittier I will make sure to be a positive leader, direct the children towards the right path, help them with their homework, and give them the best advice. My interview is this friday and I am really excited because I love children! If I am given the chance to volunteer and promote Respect, Tolerance, and Courage in these children's lives it would be an amazing experience. I am willing to speak as well as mentor the youth and advocate that "anything is possible if you believe!"

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