Monday, December 5, 2011

5 ways to survive Finals week!!!

Are you feeling pretty stressed out with finals week just around the corner?! Well your not alone! I'm pretty sure a lot of other people are stressed about their finals and it's driving them crazy as well. So just take a deep breath and take my advice! I'm sure it will help you out <33

1. Get Rest!: It is important that you get your rest before finals week because you want to make sure that you are alert and ready to go! Sleeping always make you feel better.

2. Prepare!: Make sure you prepared for your finals and buy all of your scantrons and blue books from the student store. Also make sure you study and review your material that way you are ready for the test!

3. Organize!: Organizing your schedule for finals week is important because all of your class times usually change and they might interfere with friends, family, or even work.

4. Take Breaks! Taking breaks is a good thing to do while you are studying for your finals because it gives you the chance to retain most of the information that you just learned and remember it. This will benefit you and your test taking abilities.

5. Be on time!! Please make sure that you are on time to your final because most professors will not allow you to take your final if you are more than 5 minutes late. It pushes back their schedule and disrupts the classroom while they are taking their test.

Good Luck on your Finals!!!!! Xo!

Happy 4th Birthday Princess Brianna ♥ Auntie Sam Loves You


    My baby neice Brianna is a big 4 year old now! Over the weekend my older sister Arleen had a birthday party for her to celebrate with our friends and family. Brianna started out her day in downtown Disney and had a makeover done at Disneyland`s Studio 365!!! What a luckkkky girl! Then she came to Pizzamania and all of her family was their to celebrate with her! Brianna's hair looked awesome  with neon pink and purple stripes and her face was covered with sparkles! She looked so cute full of glitter and glam! I am so proud of the young lady that my neice is becomming! She is very smart, outgoing, and loves to talk to everyone! She is growing up way too fast! I also love how excited she is to start going to school and meet many new friends! I am one proud auntie and cannot wait to spend a lot of time with her over this winter break!!! I love you Brianna :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Meet my new Friend, Justine!

In one of my classes this semester at California State University Fullerton I met my new friend Justine who is from France and Costa Rica! She is such a nice girl and I invited her to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with my family and I. Everybody loved her and we had such a great time catching up with eachother! I am so blessed that I met Justine this semester because she is truly a nice person and I appreciate our frienship. She was so excited when I invited her that she even brought my family flowers! I am so happy that I welcomed her into my home, made her feel comfortable, and introduced her to the Thanksgiving holiday because she will be able to share her experience with her friends and family back home. It is always fun when you meet a new friend because you have so much to learn and know about them! I hope Justine and I remain friends forever!!! Xo!

Monday, November 28, 2011

5 simple ways to gain self confidence!!!

 Having self confidence is the key to success and a much happier life! If you follow my 5 simple rules you will be on your way towards becomming a new and improved individual!!! :)

1. Dress Sharp: Whether you are on your way to school, work, a party, or even your grandma's house you must make sure that you are always dressed approprietly. Clothes certainly affect the way a person feels about themselves and expresses their individuality. When you are not dressed approprietly it influences the way you carry yourself and interact with others. Make sure to be aware of the upcomming fashions and have fun with your creative style :)

2. Have Good Posture: Make sure and have good posture because people with slumped shoulders or hunch backs seem to lack self confidence. These people usually aren't outgoing, but when they start using good posture they  automatically feel more confident with themselves. If you stand up staight, hold your head high, and make eye contact you will have a postive impact on the others around you.

3. Speak up: It doesn't hurt to ask!!! If you are ever in a meeting or a group discussion and have a question feel free to ask!!! Many people never speak up because they are afraid to say something stupid however, someone else in the audience may have the same question as you. If you speak up at least once in every group discussion that will definately boost your self confidence and even make you seem like a leader! :)

4. Work out: No excuses!!! I don't care how busy you are you could at least devote a little time each day to workout not only for your self confidence but for your health as well. It will make you feel better about yourself and build up your motivation. If you are out of shape you may feel insecure, unattractive, or even less energetic. Everybody knows when you work out you feel 110% BETTER about your appearance which stimulates your self confidence! GO YOU!!!

5. Focus on your Goals!: Make sure to focus on your goals because it will benefit you in the long run and set you up for an outstanding future. Short term and long term goals are great to have because they will help keep you focused on what needs to be done and what is important in your life. This will also help you with your confidence because it will prove how successful you really are when all of your goals are accomplished.

I hope you ALL take my advice!!! XO <3

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What are you Thankful for?!

 Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year because it reminds me to give thanks and appreciate all of my friends and family members. Since I have so much to be grateful for I decided to create a list and name off the aspects that mean the most to me!! :)

I am grateful for all the experiences that have made me into the kind of person I am today!!!
- my loving and supportive parents!
- the "little things" that  my dad does for me.
- for the phone calls from my dad saying that he loves me EVERYDAY.
- for my 3 Big Sisters 
- for my LARGE family
- for my Uncle John :)
- for my Best Friends 
- my positive personality
- for my motivation
- that I have achieved many goals :)
- that I'm alive
- for my health 
- for my education ( going to college)
- for my mom paying for college
- for my car
- for my house 
- that I am able to see, hear, speak, and move.
- that I am able to eat, drink, smell, and touch. 
- that I am able to sleep.
- for kind strangers 
- for believers 
- for amazing opportunities 
- for answered prayers from God. 
- the sunset/sunrise
- the beach 
- Disneyland 
- Snuggles :)
- water
- coffee 
- chocolate 
- Ice Cream 
- Candy 
- fresh fruit 
- rainbows 
- happiness 
- laughter 
- my relationship with my Grandma Leo and Grandpa John 
- Susie <3 
- Carolyn 
- Beauty Pageants 
- animals 
- food
- my bike 
- technology 
- the internet
- television ( reality tv ) 
- my cell phone :)
- my computer
- Facebook 
- Twitter 
- you tube 
- skype 
- music 
- movies 
- memories 
- reunions 
- family vacations 
- nature 
- flowers 
- Kiki ( R.I.P )



Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Parents! They really do care & LOVE YOU!!!

" My mom carried me in her womb for nine months... She felt sick for months with nausea, then she watched her feet swell & her skin stretch & tear; she struggled to climb stairs, she got breathless quick; she suffered many sleepless nights. She then went through excruciating pain to bring me into this world. Then, she became my nurse, my chef, my chauffeur, my biggest fan, my teacher, & my best friend. She's struggled for me, cried over me, inspired me, hoped the best for me, & prayed for me. Most of us take our mom for granted." I LOVE MY MOM and am truly thankful for everything that she has done for me.

My dad is also my best friend. A person that I could trust and who would do ANYTHING for me. He has inspired me to be the hard worker that I am today. Without my dad life would not be the same. He is the rock of my family and motivates me each day to become a better person. Growing up he attended every dance recital, cheer competition, basketball game, and beauty pageant that I was ever in. He is one proud Dad. I appreciate all the time he has devoted to being the father that he is today. He coached me every year in basketball, made sure I got to school safe, and always took care of me. He has truly been the best father in the world and I am so thankful that he is still in my life today. I could not imagine life without my dad. He is amazing. Words cannot describe how much I love you Dad.  If someone sticks by your side through your worst times, then they deserve to be with you through your good times.

Monday, November 7, 2011

BiRtThdAy FuN!!!

There have been so many Birthdays this month that I decided to make a shout out to my friends and family members. It was first my Grandma Leo's 78th Birthday!! I am so thankful to have my grandmother in my life. She is such a loving person and a true inspiration. I could only hope to grow up and become half the mother/grandmother that she is today! Then it was my little cousin Niko's 8th birthday!  He had a Halloween Birthday Party and everybody invited came dressed up!!! It was so much fun. He is growing up so fast and getting really tall! Time sure does fly! Finally today was one of my Best Friends Birthday!! Bailey turned 20!!! I have been friends with bailey ever since the 5th grade! Im so happy that we have remained such close friends. She is ALWAYS there for me and the best part is that she totally gets me <3. We get each other! lol I know that we will be friends forever and I will always be there for her as well. Im so thankful for all 3 of these people. I love them so much :)